Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Yet another thing facebook doesn't have. Links to everything else I use on the web. Maybe that's because Google already owns 70% of the web.

"90% of all statistics are made up on the spot."

Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm back..

I sort of fell out of my chair for a while there, not like it matters, I have one follower who probably isn't paying attention anyway. while I was out of my chair life went on, I ruined an iPhone and cut off my mohawk, these are both things I hope to recover from eventually.

I have plans for a few new sketches soon but I don't know how soon as I really only make time to work on them when there's nothing else to do it seems.

Just felt like posting. It's like talking to a wall, or writing in a diary that nobody will ever read...