As I may have mentioned before, I am starting some new sketches and what I mean by that is I haven't sketched much for a while and want to continue to improve. With that in mind, I am trying to learn as I go, sketching all sorts of things, some from photos, some from actual objects and some just right out of my head. To the left is a sketch that I simply titled "Sitting Under a Tree". I know it looks like an upside down tree, but really I was upside down to it. Sitting outside in the dark at work, my back against a tree looking up. Just did the initial shape of the branches over a cigarette and the rest later.

To the right is the next sketch I have been working on. Yeah, I know... I'm not an artist. This one is just something I thought up, and I explained the meaning in a previous post. This sketch I have simply titled "Pity".

Finally, the third sketch that I am still currently working on is from a photo of my friend Ashlie. She modified the original photo a bit to make her eyes look black and a few other things. This is actually a picture that I stole from one of her photo galleries on Facebook, so until she sees this blogger post, she has no idea which one I was working from.
There is still more I would like to do to all three of these sketches, so I'm not calling them done yet. Having said that, they may never be called done. That's why I have gotten into the habit of signing and dating my sketches the day I start them.